Dubai Smart City: New Laws

12 Jan, 2016 - Consumer & Retail


Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, has issued new laws to govern the emirate’s smart city initiative.

Whilst the new laws on the surface may seem nondescript, they are actually extremely important as they signal that the project is past the talk stage and on to the do stage. The laws all relate to the formation of the Dubai Smart City Office, Board, and the assignment of a Director and Deputy Director General. In addition to this the new laws call for the creation of a central body to oversee things like apps and other consumer-facing products, as well as data pertaining to them.

The Dubai Smart City project will include free Wi-Fi on public transport, charging stations for electric cars (the Dubai Electricity & Water Authority has already taken lead with electric car charging stations installed at their office buildings) and a mobile application that directs drivers to available parking. These are just a few things Dubai has promised its residents during the next few years.

The Internet of Things is also opening up a world of opportunities and bringing together thought leaders, implementers and creators across different industries to collaborate, network, partner, and build the industry’s ecosystem. Buildings using IoT technology are likely to feature prominently in the next phases of Smart Dubai’s development strategy, according to to become the world’s smartest city in the next three years. The BCB is excited to be part of this initiative and is talking to and interested in hearing from UK companies with expertise in smart technologies which can feed into proposed government projects.


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